Grief & Loss
Life after a loss can feel like your whole world has come to a halt while the rest of the world spins on without you.
Navigating life after a loss is by no means linear, nor should it have to be. No two losses are the same, and we want to hold space for your unique experience.
After experiencing a loss, many people don't feel like they have a space to talk about their loved one. They may feel like they don't want to upset friends or family by bringing up the loss, whether it's to share difficult or fond memories.
We believe it's important to create space not to just talk about how you are feeling as an individual throughout the grief process, but also to be able to freely talk about the person you lost and share stories, frustrations, unresolved thoughts, etc.
We are here to support you in sitting with the grief, while cultivating hope to rejoin the world when you feel ready.
Grief can feel like standing at the ocean's edge. Some days you're just aware of the water around your feet, and feel like you could manage to float. Other days a wave comes out of nowhere and you are suddenly swept away.
Our work is about noticing and navigating the changes in the tide, together.